Noted Author, Poet Chiwan Choi to Read, …

Noted Author, Poet Chiwan Choi to Read, Lecture at Berkeley City College

Los Angeles-based poet, novelist, playwright, independent publisher and teacher Chiwan Choi, author of the recently released poetry collection The Flood (Tía Chucha Press), will read from his latest work and earlier writings at Berkeley City College beginning at 7 p.m., Thur., Nov. 18, in the college’s auditorium at 2050 Center St.  The event is free and open to the public.

Choi is a writer, editor, teacher, and publisher. A member of the Los Angeles Poets & Writers Collective since 1989, his poems and essays have appeared in numerous journals and magazines, including ONTHEBUS, Esquire, and American Book Jam in Tokyo. He is a regular in the Los Angeles literary circuit, often invited as a featured poet at readings at the Hotel Cafe in Hollywood, the legendary Beyond Baroque in Venice, and the Los Angeles Central Library.  Follow his writing at, and on The Nervous Breakdown (

Posted by Chris Gat